VitaminVape Big Cloud B-12 Pods

Vitamin Vape

VitaminVape Big Cloud B-12 Pods


The VitaminVape Big Cloud Reusable Pod Kit is a new alternative to the VitaminVape disposable B-12 vaporizers.

This is a unique system, with one battery and one pod included along with the usb charger, and replacement pods are sold in single units, unlike the usual multipacks. I liked how the battery has a lanyard because I haven’t seen that before, and could be useful for someone who wants to have it easily on hand all the time. The shape of the battery is also interesting, more like a small box mod rather than the oblong sleek design of other companies. It is not my personal preference. I am also not the biggest fan of their mango flavor, which is disappointing since there are no other options, but it’s okay.

It seems the idea was to have one pod contain the amount of uses contained in other brand’s multipacks of pods, as each is advertised to have about 2000 uses, compared to only about 200 in the disposable vapes. I’m not sure how accurate this estimate is because 1665-3330 is a massive range. I assume the 5-10 breaths serving is dependent on how long the pull is per breath. I’ve only been using it for a couple weeks, so time will tell how long lasts. I would only recommend this to someone with vitamin B-12 deficiency, as it’s only draw is the B-12 content.


Reusable Pod Kit (1 pod, 1 battery) – $33

Replacement pods – $15 each

1 Pod advertised as having 333 servings of 5-10 breaths

133mcg vitamin B12 per serving

Note the pods fruit flavorings contain cane alcohol, in case you have any sensitivities to alcohol 

Long lasting
High B-12 level
One flavor option
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Vitamin Vape

Author Bio

Julie Matthews
Julie is a university student currently studying English and Biology. She feels the widespread nicotine addiction of her generation is practically an epidemic. As she wants to be a teacher when she graduates, she’s passionate about children and hopes the next generation isn’t poorly influenced and choose to stay away from e-cigs.