I love mango so I was looking forward to trying this Ripple Focus vape. The taste was nice at first but quickly became quite weak. It still tasted pretty good but it took a bit of effort to hit toward the end, it felt like sucking a thick shake through a straw, so not the breeziest experience. This particular Ripple diffuser has unique, different ingredients than most “focus” driven diffusers, bacopa and sage. I don’t think these did anything for me in particular, focus or energy-wise, but it was still enjoyable enough to use. But if I had the option, I’d rather have more benefit to it for the same price, like HealthVape’s Mango VITAL inhaler.  

Experience aside unfortunately I really didn’t like their newer device. The packaging is pretty misleading with the shape – it’s too wide across, that it feels bulky while being lightweight. I’m not a big fan of bright orange and the stripe design with the rounded tip and white rectangle reminds me of an eraser.

Ripple currently only has a 14 day return window, unlike the 30 day satisfaction window for most brands, and you have to buy at least two to get free shipping.



$18 per diffuser Advertised to have 1000 puffs

Ingredients: Mango aroma, sage extract, bacopa extract, vegetable glycerine, propylene glycol